Constitution and regulations

The Kensington Club, hunting and fishing coop

is a consumer cooperative incorporated under Article 3 of the Quebec Cooperatives Act. Through its internal management regulations, it has adopted operating procedures concerning its mission, the holding of its General Meetings, its board of directors, etc.

Règlements de la coopérative

Members must also comply with the cooperative's bylaws permettant de mieux encadrer les actions de ses membres et de leurs invités et ainsi assurer la qualité de vie de tous. English version: PDF

Campground Policy

The club's campground is governed by a Campground Policy.

Conditions d'utilisation du site Web

As a visitor to our site, you are also bound by our TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE.


What is a cooperative?

The core values ​​of cooperatives are personal and mutual empowerment and responsibility, democracy, equality, fairness and solidarity. Faithful to the spirit of the founders, the members of cooperatives adhere to an ethic based on honesty, transparency, social responsibility and altruism. For more information on cooperatives and how they work, visit the following sites: